Friday 25 July 2014

Fly O Dove!


طيري طيري يا عصفورة أنا متلك حلوة صغيورة
طيري طيري يا عصفورة أنا متلك حلوة صغيورة

بركض فوق حفاف الزهر ...بحجر ع ميات النهر و بحط بشعري بشورة
بركض فوق حفاف الزهر ...بحجر ع ميات النهر و بحط بشعري بشورة

بيتك يا عصفورة وين ما بشوفك غير بتطيري
ما عندك غير جناحين حاكينا كلمة صغيرة
ولو سالونا بنقلن ما حاكتنا العصفورة

طيري طيري يا عصفورة أنا متلك حلوة صغيورة
بركض فوق حفاف الزهر ...بحجر ع ميات النهر و بحط بشعري بشورة

انتي و كل الاهل صحاب بتحكيلن شو ما عملنا
لعبنا درسنا بكتاب و تشيطنا و اكلنا
و ما شفناكي و شفتينا
كيف عرفتي يا عصفورة

طيري طيري يا عصفورة أنا متلك حلوة صغيورة
بركض فوق حفاف الزهر ...بحجر ع ميات النهر و بحط بشعري بشورة

خبيناكي بقلب الدفتر صورة صغيرة على ورقة
انتي الحرية عم تكبر بلادك هل السما الزرقا
و السما كبيرة و بعيدة
وحدهن ع جوانح عصفورة

طيري طيري يا عصفورة أنا متلك حلوة صغيورة
بركض فوق حفاف الزهر ...بحجر ع ميات النهر و بحط بشعري بشورة

طيري طيري طيري طيري يا عصفورة

- ماجدة الرومى ؛ لبنان  (١٩٨٣) 

Friday 18 July 2014

Memory of Eden

I love Sting. The singer with woman voice is actually a man, hehe. He is Cheb Mami from Algeria. I love sitting alone in the desert. It gives me the sense of nothingness : )


Views of Muslims and Orientalists

Here we have some 'scholarly' opinion about Arabs and their characters. Well, these people might also do generalizations either positive or negative. Everybody could have their own opinion. Now, lets see what these scholars talk about Arabs. Some of our prophets are also Arabs like the prophet Saleh a.s, prophet Hud a.s, and most of all our seal of prophethood Muhammad s.a.w is also counted as an Arab.

In the end, Arabs are just human-being no more no less just like other nations. These are just historians and researchers view about this particular nation. They could be wrong or perhaps right in certain places. I have had heard many ustads and ustadas in schools talked about Arab nations and they do not first mention that Arabs are human being. So, in our country, people sometimes labeling Arabs with negative remarks and sometimes with positive remarks and most of all they mentioned that if not because Muhammad s.a.w, Arabs would be doomed. Sometimes generalizations would be so annoying as I would also think why native Malays left Buddhism for Islam if Muhammad s.a.w is only for the doomed Arabs? What does Divine destiny means for these people for uttering such words?

As for my understanding, Muhammad s.a.w is not only sent for Arabs but for nations or al-Umam as a sign of His Mercy to the universe. Revelation is according to period of time and not according to nationality. And then, āleh and Hud were also Arabs of ancient branch. Muhammad s.a.w is a descent of father Abraham a.s. and father Abraham a.s is an Assyrian. Assyrians are not Arabs but a sister nation to Arabs, nevertheless they are all people who came from the sons of Shem bin Noah.

I learned about Malay Buddhist kingdoms like Srivijaya too. There were also Malay Buddhist figures who were not known to modern Muslim Malays today but Buddhists know about them. For example Svarnadvipi Dharmakirti, Dhammarakshita who taught the method of luminous mind in the 10th century AD Sumatera. Others were from Southern Thailand region. I also listened to people talking about Malays in generalization and I think that many generalizations that people have in their view portrayed how limited our view about this universe is. It just shows that we are imperfect.

I would also love to find 'scholarly' view about French, German, Italian, British, and etc since we only could hear their opinions about people in the East.


He rejected the claimants of some historians who accused Arabs as imbecile who can never accept development. He said that he can see the Arabs could accept development since they can accept new gadgets, modern vehicles like train, machines, and others if they are taught the way to it. Palgrave had been living in Arabian Peninsula and looking at things with his own eyes.


Scholars had all agreed that Arabs are amongst noble people. He said that he was impressed just like other researchers after looking at the preparation of Arabs to accept manner, appreciating dignity, and possessing other noble traits. Perfect mind producing the knowledge to know, degree, wisdom, intelligence, and criticism. These people also have good memory. They predict events and have accurate consideration.

Ibnu Khaldun

Arabs had been familiar with moderate life and they are also familiar with wild environment. They love to snatch others' property and damaging others' property. If they attack other areas, they will damage everything since they were wild. They do not like to be attached to any rules, norms, ethics and regulation. They loved to go for war, scouting, and they opposed any civilization and development.

They do not need any governance and no need for institutions. They do not know the term of difficulties since their life pattern was according to wild environment of desert. They do not need any luxuries, they travel a lot, and usually have no valuable possession. They felt that they do not have to be ruled by others but just need a chief for their tribe. It was difficult to rule them since each tribe would only follow the order of their Amir (Prince) and Sheikh (Elder).

This lead to the spirit which we call as 'Assabiyya. It means racism amongst tribes, groups, associations, organizations, and so on. It also means helping our own group for evil and tyranny. There are actually definitions for 'Assabiya either by the noble prophet Muhammad s.a.w or Imam al-Monawwi. Their Amirs could only be their leaders or chiefs but they could not be hard on members of the tribe. It is different to a kingdom where a king must be strong and firm to his people.


Arabs is an example of a nation who only looks at materials. They had no space for further imagination and they had no mercy to others. They were not really religious people. They only look at things which could bring physical fortune to them or anything which would increase their dignity. That's why they rebelled against any governance upon them. They only had hatred, treason, and envious toward their own chieftain or Sheikh since he was earlier being appointed to lead the tribe. They can stab their own best friends. If others do charity to them, they do not be thankful to others. They will consider it as the sign of weakness and coward.

I wonder, how about Europeans or Caucasians in the US as the legacy of Europe in American continent? The Italian girl who was scouting at our home never say thanks to us for providing her free internet access to bash our religion, culture and faith in her sites in our country. I feel like typing again what I had read in a book written by the late Anwar al-Jundiy when I encounter these kind of people from Europe since they boasted and forced people to be subdued to their values. They only analyze things according to their worldview which is a little inappropriate. Human view is narrow as compared to the Divine view. So, we just forgive those who do not know may they receive mercy and love from the Lord of the universe.

La Mains

Arabs are people who were too democratic. They rebelled at any power that tried to limit their movement or acts though the prevention is good for them. This is why chaotic situation emerged in Arab lands and many betrayal happened in Arabian history. Because of European ignorance on these fact, they had done many errors while ruling this nation until many had died while there was no necessity for everyone to be sacrificed.

Because of their stubborn characteristics and refusing to follow instructions, Arabs could not 'imitate' European development or could not be as advanced as Europeans or Westerners.  They were like fierce lions who were contained in cages if they were ruled by others. Other than that, Arabs were also honest, always holding their words, loyal to ancestors, and appreciating friendship. These are their special traits. Le Mains has the opinion that if Arabs began to open up farm and settled permanently, perhaps their attitude would also change.

These scholars are scholars during imperialism and colonization of Europeans period. Further, these are just their opinions. Let us see comments of the late Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah regarding the statements of the mentioned scholars.

Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah

On first and second figures, they seem to over praising Arabs. They had forgotten that Arabs are human-being and not angels.

Ibnu Khaldun and Oleary said that Arabs were thieves, wild, barbaric, and they had damaged others' states. They were materialistic, cruel, and could not be tied with governmental politics. They had no imagination, and they did not like to receive orders. Both of them had over-generalizing Arabs. This is not in accordance to new findings of anthropology that any nation must possess good and negative traits. Nobody is perfect.

The last opinion by La Mains seems not just. He seems like hating the Arabs and looking other nations as lower than his own nation. Other than that he seems like lack of research. He just say whatever he thinks and not from researches. They should also differentiate Urban and Bedouin Arabs. And then differentiate them according to their Paths and according they were also in Dark Ages.

Ibnu Khaldun statement seems more to bias. He said that Arabs would damage the civilization of the land where they entered in or subdued. We still can see many historical sites in the lands where Arabs had been. How could Arabs damaged others' civilization when they had also transmitted others' culture and civilization to other parts of the world? Arabs also have their own civilization in Yemen.

The opinion about Arabs could not be easily ruled refers more to Bedouins. Arabs had already established strong kingdoms since ancient times. Once upon a time, they had also established civilization, polishing valuable knowledge and sciences, and transmitting them to other parts of the world. I guess Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah also means the Arab civilization beyond 13th C which predates their Dark Ages.

O'leary mentioned that Arabs were materialistic, greedy, and care nothing for religion. In Ancient Arabian History, there are many narrations about the generosity of Arabs and their noble traits. All of these are true narrations. Because we rarely find this, we would right away conclude it as fairy tales. Arabs were confident with their religions and they were loyal to their ancestral customs. O'leary also said that Arabs were imbecile and lack of memory. They had no imagination and no aesthetic expressions. This opinion is not true. Arabs love poems and poetry just like other nations such as Chinese, Indians, and others. They had love, melancholic, philosophical, war, manner, courage, tasawwuf, and other poems. Aleghiori Dante of Italy, Goethe and Schiller both from Germany had also been influenced by Arab poetry styles.
Abdul Malik further said that Arabs could be seen at their shape of body. In general, most of them are tall and thin except for few clans in Yemen whom are short and small. They have long jaw and their skin tone ranging from yellow to fair. Some parts may make their skin turns reddish and brownish. Black eyes, rough hair, high eyebrows, pointed nose, small mouth, small ears. They are actually intelligent and learn everything easily. They are also grumpy. Their dignity is their priority and they would never tolerate people who trying to bring them into shame. When they were embarrassed, they would become grumpy. They would spontaneously grab their sword when they are angry and they never care if their opponents are stronger than them. Battles are just common thing in the Middle East. Arabs had also came as far as South East Asia to buy swords or purchasing fire arms. Arabs love freedom and love for equality of rights. In the same time, they also consider and assume that their tribes, clans, or others as nobler than others.

There are evidence about this in Kedah valley and I had seen the vase to fabricate sword excavated from the historical area placed in our new library for exhibition of ancient civilization. One of my friend was also involved in the effort. He have got some small payment for that, poor guy.

So, this is something for Arabic learners to see. We do not only learn a language, but also the speakers' ways of life, customs, characteristics, history, and etc.  

Foreign Invasions on Arabia

Many people talked about Arab or Saracen invasions over other regions but never bother to talk about Arabia was also a subject of foreign colonial powers in ancient times. Even, Arabia was also a subject of Ottoman empire and it is not an Arab empire. 

I do not want people to regard colonialism, tyranny or enslavement of other creatures as a righteous deed nor wanted people to view Arabs as a nation of "angels". I just wanted people to stop clinging to perceptions. Perception is a non-self but we created it as an ego which turns to be a root of unwholesome acts. We listen to whatever that we wanted to listen and we avoid whatever that we do not want to listen. We are selective. That is human-being. I am aware that we are human-being. We possess weaknesses of mortal human-being. 


King Ahmas was the earliest foreigner who tried to bring Arabia into Egyptians sphere of influence. This king is from the 13th dynasty. He drove out the Hyksos from their border to Sinai and attacked them non-stop around 1700 BC. Later, the Nubians and Ethiopians attacked their country and the king has to return to his country in order to protect it from the raids. Thus, Arabia was safe for the time-being.

1600 BC, Tahotamas III tried to attack Arabia.

1200 BC, Ramses III brought his armada and landed along the beach of Red Sea. He wanted to attack Somalia, Ethiopia and Arabia for their trading purposes with Far East countries. He also established diplomatic relation with Yemen and states along the coast. Later he paved the passage for traders' business trip in Arabia to connect Egypt with Indian Ocean. He also sent people to Sinai in order to check the gold and treasures kept by his ancestors there when their states were raided by the Hyksos.

1167 BC, Ramses IV opened a new road from Egypt to Arabia but this time a little shorter than the previous one.


9th BC King Blazar II had attacked Arabia after a battle in Syria. He met an Arab tribe at the border of Egypt-Syria.

8th BC The Arabs tried to attack Samaria and coincidentally Samaria was a vassal city of Assyrian empire. King Sargon II was so angry and he largely attacked Arabia in 715 BC. The raid even reached the rural areas of Arabian peninsula at its edges.

Later, King Sennacherib (705-681 BC) attacked Arabia just after he raided Cyprus, Ashkelon, Sidon, Arwād and other city-states in Western Arabia to the South closer to Sinai.

King Esarhaddon (681-668 BC) engaged in wars with Egypt, Phoenicia, Ogal, and Arabia. He died in Egypt while going there in person for the campaign to bring down rebellious Egypt into submission to Assyria.

King Ashurbanipal (668-605 BC) who later ruled as the King of Assyrian empire attacked Arabia because they sided with his enemy. He seized Barta' and Mo'ab. A great battle happened in between Euphrates and Persian Bay because the King of Babylon, Shamash'sum'ukin rebelled in 652 BC. 

The King of Babylon actually formed a powerful coalition with Nabubel Shumate, the King of Mesopotamia Sealand, the Elamites, the Chaldean tribes of the South, the kings of Guti, Amurru and Meluhha and Arab tribes from Arabia and that was how Arabia was also involved in the raid of Ashurbanipal. 


Nebuchadnezar II (605-562 BC) of Kasdim dynasty had defeated Arabia. Many were killed and brought back to Babylon as prisoners. There was rumor that he even reached Hejaz in his raid. 

It is also mentioned in Old Testament in the Prophecy of Jeremiah 49:28 which says: 
"Of Kedar, and of the kingdoms of Hazor, which Nebuchadnezar of Babylon smote. Thus said the Lord, 'Arise you, go up against Kedar, and spoil the children of the East".
Kedar is one of our ancestor. He is the second son of sage Ishmael a.s. The Kedarites suffered greatly at the hands of Nebuchadnezar II.


Shahpur I (240-270 CE) of Sasan dynasty had also attacked Arabia, Syria and Egypt. There were two Roman wars where Persians were involved in it. 

King Shahpur I also has good relation with Jewish communities in Babylon and Arabia although he was a Zoroastrian. Persian vassal states in Arabic speaking world was in Yemen, Eastern Arabian Peninsula and some parts of Iraq.

Relationship of Arabs and Others

We are still in the topic of the Arabian Chronicles. I would alternately post any notes that I have with me or in my mind, His Will. In the previous post, we now know a little bit about the lineages of the Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula. Many narrators are also not responsible on the validity of the lineages of those Arabs. However, the lineage of prophet Muhammad s.a.w is very clear as a descent of Abraham a.s through the line of Ismael a.s as they never marry people outside of their tribe since the time of their ancestor Ismael a.s and 'Adnan.

Mr. Ahmad Amin from the Fuad I University in his book, the Dawn of Islam mentioned that many Arab elders put the emphasize and importance of their lineages. They memorized everything including branches of tribes and families. They also write books about their lineages but not all of those lineage could be valid in their accuracy.

Our honorable Imam Malik r.a while listened to a man talked about his lineage could be traced until prophet Adam a.s had expressed his disgust. He spontaneously said to the man : "From who did he know this?" When another man said that he can trace his lineage to Ismael a.s, he also asked : "Who told you this?"

The inhabitants of Southern and Northern Arabian Peninsula have few differences including in their language features and appearances.

Urban Arabs

There is no pure blood Arabs today. If they live in urban areas, then they will also mingle with other races and ethnics as well. Pure blood people are called as Bedouins who wander at the desert. Arabs had mingled with Phoenicians, Assyrians, Greeks, Romans, Hebrews, Ethiopians, Africans and others according to their geography or where they had been.

Arab tribes had been moving around since they were called as Bedouins. Some live close to other areas and will attack others or being attacked by others. This is also a reason of the change for the identification of a certain ethnic in human history. After the noble prophet Muhammad s.a.w was raised, Arabs had also mingled with other nations outside of Arabian Peninsula and entered other provinces or new states which had been opened, explored or subdued. They married natives and issued new people or hybrid descents.

Other than that, pilgrimage is the reason of Arabs mingled with other nations. People around the world performing pilgrimage in the Holy Mecca and get to know each other although different in nationality. They share the same Path and the God. Assyrians, Egyptians, Indian, Chinese, African, Northern African, South East Asian and others get to know each other in Mecca. By the time of early 19th C, around 79% of Meccan population is of mixed population from around the world. Even when I was there around 2005, it was hard to find local Meccan.

Intermingling among people may vary from a city to a city. Nowadays, the attitude and civilization of Arabs had been different in Arabian Peninsula. They also have different appearances and tones of skin. Meccan Arabs are yellow. Nejd Arabs a little bit dark in complexion. Omanite Arabs most of them are chubby. Yemenite are mostly short and small. Those in Syria and Morocco are fair amongst all. Egyptian Arabs are dark, having sweet and pleasant look and their body is bigger. Those Egyptian Arab who live in urban area are yellow since there was Turks who govern the country. Those Arabs in Southern Spain are Caucasian in looking because their mothers were Spaniard. Iraqi Arabs are tough. The Arabs in South East Asia all taking the form of local look. 

Even last time, people could only know they were Arabs with their white skull caps especially those in Borneo Island. Nowadays other nations also wear skull caps. There are also some Arabs who were married to Chinese like in Penang Island or married to Thai and Burmese in Southern Thailand. Some were from India especially Gujarat and Northern Malabar coastal area. Most of them had lost their ancestral language which is Arabic but speaking native languages or at least languages common to natives.

Bedouin Arabs

Bedouin Arabs are those Arabs who live far from urban area. They hardly mix with outsiders. Nothing much changed in their life. In the Old Testament, it has also mentioned about Bedouins who live far from urban area and they are looking down their counterparts in cities. In our third standard (9 years old) textbooks for Islamic Education class, we learned about the division of Arab into Urban and Bedouin. How about history curriculum in Britain, European Union, the States or other countries? Share it with us what you had learned. In A-Level examination, we were also required to read about India and China.

I do not know about kids nowadays because not all of them know about these even if we were taught with history in schools. I mean this to the kids in our country. After that, they grow up and become racists, bigots, close-minded and others while their parents asked them to go to school to be properly educated. When people prevent them from education, they would complaint to human rights organizations or NGO's saying that their rights had been uprooted. Human are never grateful to their Lord and never satisfied with what they have. Now I had shared this here, my responsibility as a fellow human is done if people stumbled by.

British Muslim brethren may use this as additional material for your child home-schooling. I am also doing a thesis about you people and your government. Trying to understand what happened there from afar for this degree. This is actually a checked article with other references. I am trying not to make it too long with references as many sources were translated from various notes. Make sure to make cross check on everything. Do not just rely only on one source and MadTV is a disaster, haha. Check in your local libraries, archives and other places.

Bedouins never went to school or being educated. No development reached them. They have no history to be researched by scholars. Many of people suggested that Bedouins still maintained their lifestyle of 4000 years ago. Each tribe has its own Sheikh or Amir.

Their life was characterized by war, battle, knighthood, and they rear livestock such as camel, sheep, or goat. They hated to be attached to any power nor to anyone. That is the reason why they hate urban people. They believe that too much civilization will prevent their independence. They never been colonized by any power such as Greeks or Roman colonization, their mind is also free from colonization. In contrast, the Hebrews were colonized by Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek and Roman. Just read Old Testament so we may grab some picture.

Gustav Le Bonn mentioned that Arabian Peninsula Bedouins have the custom that prohibit them from agricultural activity. Planting wheat and tress is illegal for them. They never build proper house for themselves and living nomadic lifestyle. House is believed to contain their independence and making them attached to a certain place.

This lifestyle made them attacking and robbing urban people. Urban Arabs were afraid of Bedouin Arabs. During the administration Sharīf Hussain in Mecca, the road between Mecca and Medina was not actually safe for travelers. Bedouins will rob and attack those who were passing through there. Urban people might say they robbed people, but Bedouins believe they were making a living from such an act.

Gustav Le Bonn in his book "the History of Arabian Civilization" mentioned:
"Bedouin's behavior robbing urban tribes who passed through their ways actually not much different to European attack and subduing other kingdoms in the world, later plundering local products of the kingdoms subdued and taking them back to their country. The different is just Bedouins attacking civilized nations while Europeans attacking Bedouins." 
This is what I personally think. I do not really agree with Le Bonn. It is true that Europeans like British had colonized countries and kingdoms which had actually established for thousand of years through legal language. Europeans like France and British had used Siam for example as a buffer state to suppress other independent kingdoms. People of my beloved state have their own chronicles which are related to history of South East Asian region, the advent of Buddhism and Islam in South East Asia. The chronicles for our states are the Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa and Tarikh Salasilah Negeri Kedah. 

If we have time, we may elaborate more and look at 'scholars' opinions about Arab nations, God will. Most of them are Europeans but not to forget Asians ourselves. There are negative opinions and also positive opinions. This world must consist of this two. We cannot expect everything to be prefect right? Only the God is Perfect.

Research on Arabians

Everybody knows that Arabs before the emergence of Muhammad s.a.w have no proper settlements. There is also an assumption saying that Arabs never been in contact with other developed nations such as Egyptians, Greeks or Romans. All of these are not really true.

Modern researches had shown that Arabs had already been in contact with outside world since long ago. They had been in contact with Romans, Greeks and Egyptians in term of civilization and trade. Researchers of history had spent their money, age, and time conducting researches in Arabian Peninsula. 

In 1825, there were three researchers who had entered Tihamah and 'Aser. They were W. F. Hemprich, M. O. Tamisier, and C. G. Ehrenberg. Other Europeans who had done researches about Arabian Peninsula are J. R. Wellsted, C. Cruttendu, A. Vin Wred, S. B. Miles, Burckhard, Sir Richard, G. F. Sadlier, G. A Wallin, C. Doughty and C. Hubber.

Materials to conduct researches about Arabs are in the form of :

Written materials

They are either from Arabs themselves or from outside of Arab world. The oldest book telling about Arab histories is the Glorious Quran and it tells stories like the ancient Arabs of Thamud and 'Ād, some stories about Yemenite kings, the flood of Ma'areb Dam or Sair-ul-'Arim. 

The Glorious Quran does not tell everyone in detail about those stories. It states only key-points. Those who read the Quran must have their own curiosity and effort to study it further. What I found after checking notes that I typed here is that Muslims ourselves never initiate or at least do studies but only relying on others' findings.

There are history narration by Ibnu al-Athir, Sīrah of Ibnu Hisham, Tarikh at-Tabari, Murju al-Zahab, 'Iqdu al-Farid, Ibnu Khaldun accounts and others. We could also check the account of the Dark Ages Arabs before the rise of Muhammad s.a.w for e.g the poems of Abu Tammam, poems of Abu Zaid al-Helali, poems of Tabaqat bin Qutaibah and so on.

Arabs were also mentioned in Old Testament where our Christian and Jewish fellows are still reciting them. They could also be traced in the mention of Herodotus, Strabo, Baltius, Ptolemus and other Greek philosophers' accounts.

Archeological Findings and Excavations

People could now see old archeology findings such as ancient vases in Arabian Peninsula such as from Hejaz and Yemen. Other could be seen in areas of other Semitic nations such as in Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, and Phoenician coasts. They could be seen in paintings in Hadramawt ancient houses. Many things are still hidden down and difficult to bring them out.

An example of archeology finding related to Arabs is a word carved in a Babylonian ancient house which sounds like "Meloch" and ancient Arabian kingdom record which is called as Mo'in and Manium. Both of them were recorded in written form and most of all they dated back as far as 3000 BCE.

Personal Notes

People around the world are still conducting research about this and it is the same with researches everywhere. I do not also know how far these researches being integrated and applied in history lessons or Islamic education syllabus in our country. We could also see ancient artifacts excavated in Iraq and many of them had been stolen and sold in black market during the US invasion to teach 'terrorists'. There were also imbecile Arabs in Jordan and Syria who sold ancient scriptures, notes of early Christians and texts to foreign researchers for some small gain. Perhaps most Muslims just know how to bomb artifacts for example, certain fanatic movements since they look down others who do not seem to hold the same ideology with them.

I wonder if Islamic Universities or Islamic Institutions around the world also conduct archeology researches, anthropology, western politics and philosophies, occidental studies, world history and social studies for students other than obligatory branches of sciences such as jurisprudence, the origin of religion, history of prophethood era, or necessary ones such as physics, chemistry, biology, maths, and others? How many Muslim individuals doing these kind of stuffs like Frank Swettenham or other European 'scholars' had done? I am sure everyone knows about Frank Swettenham.

I do not really like my current studies neither but those who realize about their God must also be aware about environment around. This had been proposed by the late Hassan al-Banna and too bad this kind of people always live short life because the God is protecting them from great destruction of the doomsday. I also realize how little is the interaction between religious groups with other groups though they share the same religion due to differences in values. Not only among universities and learning institutions, but it is also among departments of studies. 

They do not normally cooperate among each other so people like us who are in the middle trying to bridge you people for cooperation in the root level despite of wails about their misfortune and how weak the nations are, with the drama of being attacked here and there. On the other hand, we are being misunderstood by either sides. Some points had also been integrated with today's Friday sermon...

No matter how ingrates hated us our devotion to You dear Lord, we with Your permission will endure torments, crucified, burned, pierced, and hurts only for You. There is no gods worth to be worshiped and receiving devotions, but only the God. Muhammad s.a.w is indeed Your servant, messenger, and prophet of the God. Glory be 'only' to the Lord of the universe.