Origin of Arab Descents
In most of Arabian historical books no matter written by Muslims or non-Muslim Arabs, Arabian were actually divided into three kinds of Arab:
- Ba'ida Arabs.
- 'Ariba Arabs.
- Musta'riba Arabs.
According to Abul Fidā, Arabs were divided to three as what had been mentioned...
Ba'ida Arabs
It means ancient Arabs in Arabian Peninsula. Their life and stories could not be easily accessed since they were so ancient. More ancient than the Hindu religion of Indian sub-continent. We may only see some of their remnants and that is through scholars' researchers and archeology. Examples of these ancient Arab tribes are the 'Ād, the Thamud, and the Early Jurhumite. The 'Āds and the Thamuds are mentioned in the Glorious Quran. There were prophets being sent among them by the God, amongst them are Ṣāleh and Hud. These figures are also mentioned in Old Testament, the scripture of the Jewish and Christians. The Āds and the Thamuds were destroyed and accursed by the God. That is the reason why we could only see some of their remnants since they were all destroyed.
'Ariba Arabs
These people came from the Early Jurhumite which is also mentioned as among the ancient Arabs. They had escaped the great flood of the Ma'areb Dam of Yemen. Their descendents were called as the second Jurhumite. After that, their descendents are known as the Qahtanites. They are all the same people, and their forefathers could be traced from Ya'areb bin Yasyub bin Qahthan. They still exist until today and mingle with people around.
Musta'riba Arabs
These people traced their lineage from Ismael the son of Abraham a.s. Abraham a.s came down to the Arabian Peninsula from the Land of Cana'an to send his second wife, Hagar. According to revelation, she was to the barren land since Sarah, his first wife, feel envious after the birth of infant Ismael a.s. It is normal for women, since she bears no son yet so she perhaps feel sad and moody.
Abraham a.s still come to visit his family there even after Ismael a.s grows up into a young man. He reconstructed the Ka'aba building and consecrated it as the house of worship dedicated to the God by the command of the God Himself. It is mentioned in the Glorious Quran in Surah Ibrahim. I had performed rituals of pilgrimage which commemorates Abraham a.s, mother Hagar, and Ismael a.s during the month of Dhulqaida 1425 H. The scripture helps me a lot to understand the rituals.
So, the rumor about Shivalingam of Hindus is absurd, speculative and baseless. Only three years old kid would talk like that. Semite nations are way older than Hinduism. As far as I could acknowledge, Hinduism is a roof for many religions that exist in ancient India. We can trace our history to Abraham a.s. When and where was lord Shiva born? What is the background of lord Shiva? I only know that lord Shiva is the lord of the Kiratas. I respect Hindus and I studied Buddhism but I do not think that, the claim would work because Hinduism is further known by the deity focused by the people: Shaivism, Vaishnavism, Brahmanism and Shaktism among the prevalent ones. The Hindus would have to refuse the term "Hindu" itself if the rumor is serious. Most of the ancient Arabs did commit polytheism. Arab tribal religions perhaps would be known as Arabism if the worship of lesser deities is still in existence in our nation until today. So, those Hindus who made absurd claims might have to worship dates, venerate the camels and submit themselves to Arab customs, lol.
Ismael a.s married to a woman from the second Jurhumite tribe. They lived together with Hagar after Hagar had founded the water source in the barren land. The descents of Ismael a.s and his wife are known as the Musta'riba Arabs. It means non-Arabs who were Arabized. Sometimes they are also called as the 'Adnanis or Ishmaelites. Prophet Muhammad s.a.w was born from this lineage.
Progenitors of Modern Arabs
Southern Root
Qahtanite clan of the Second Jurhumite were divided into two great lineages whom are the Himyarites and Kahlan.
Most of kings who ruled Yemen were the Himyarites. Their kings were called as Tubba'. It has the same function as an emperor. Plural for Tubba' is Tababiyya. Another branch of Himyarite were called as Qudha'a who controlled the province of Shihr. The other branch is bani Kilab who ruled the province of Dawmatul Jandal in Tabuk near to Syria.
Other branches of Himyarites from Tanukh clan also live in southern of Syria. Sulayh clan live in fertile valley in Syria. However this Sulayh clan were unfortunate when they were subdued by the kings of Ghassan Arabs. Other clans of Himyarite Arabs are like bani Nahd, bani 'Ozra and bani Sha'aban.
Kahlan clan also has many branches. The most famous ones were Azad, Thay', Hamdan, Muzhaj, Kindah, Murad, and Inmar. From the tribe of Azad, came the Ghassanide kings. These Ghassanides ruled Syria under Byzantine protectorate. Those in Syria were Christians.
From the Ghassanides also, came the tribes of 'Aus and Khazraj of Yathrib. Yathrib was changed to Medina al-Munawwara by the noble prophet Muhammad s.a.w. Those Aus and Khazraj before the arrival of noble prophet Muhammad s.a.w into Medina were polytheists in contrast to those in Syria. Some of Ghassanides had also controlled Mecca before the Quraisy clan administrated Mecca.
The Thay' lived in Najd al-Hejjaz at the Aja and Salma Hill. Now, both of these hills are called as Shamr Hill. From Thay' came the descents of Nabhan, Salman, Hani and Sadus. Muzhaj and Hamdan tribes mostly live in Yemen. Muzhad descents are the Khawlan, Janub, and 'Aud.
The Kindah tribe live in Hadramawt. They later expanded their power into the area of bani Asad in Yamamah. Some of their descents are known as bani Sukun.
The Murad tribe live in Zubad province, in the middle of hills in Yemen. While the Inmar tribe is divided into two clans whom are the Bajilah and Khash'am. Those from Bajilah clan had also contributed in subduing Arabian lands during the period of Omar al-Khattab.
These people are the descents of Amar bin Sabā. From them emerged the clan of bani Dār and kings of Munazarah in Hirah. Hirah was an ancient Christian kingdom who follow Nestorianism at the bank of Euphrates river in Iraq. These people were Arabs, not Assyrians.
Northern Root
According to the people who collects clan membership of Arabs, 'Adnan is the ancestor of the Musta'riba Arabs or the Arabized Arabs in Arabian Peninsula. Their lineage could be traced to Ismael a.s. and Abraham a.s and both of them are prophets and messengers of the God to people. Ismael a.s live in Mecca and he lived among the Second Jurhumite tribe. 'Adnan is his descendant. 'Adnan begat a son, Nizār. Nizār begat four sons whom are Ayyad, Anmar, Rabe'a, and Mudhar. The grandchildren of Mudhar and Rabe'ah had grown up to be the majority of population in Arabian Peninsula until today.
His grandchildren issued many branches of clans. The major one is bani Qays. Bani Qays traced their lineage from bani Hawazin and bani Salim who live in the Najd. Bani Qays issued bani Ghatafān and then bani Zibyān and bani 'Abisin. Bani 'Abisin sons of Baghīdh and Ashja' bin Rayist and Ghani bin 'Asur.
Bani 'Abisin and bani Zibyān were those who were fought by Abu Bakr as-Siddiq due to their refusal to issue tithe for society after the noble prophet Muhammad s.a.w passed away. They became apostates after rejecting a pillar of religion.
Mudhar has other sons such as Elyas. The most famous clan from the descents of Elyas are Tamin bin Moor, Huzail bin Mudrikah, Asad bin Kinanah, and Kinanah bin Khuzaimah.
From Kinanah also the tribe of Quraish emerged. This is the tribe where our noble prophet Muhammad s.a.w came from. Quraish is the nickname of Fihr bin Malik bin Nadhar bin Kinanah.
Quraish has several clans. The most famous clan of Quraisy are the Jumah and Saham. They are children of Husays bin Ka'ab. After that the trace their lineage to Adi bin Ka'ab, Makhzum bin Yaqzath bin Murra bin Taim bin Murra. Then Zuhrah bin Kilab and Abdul Daar bin Qusay and Asad bin Abdul 'Uzza bin Qusay bin Abdu Manaf bin Qusay.
'Abdu Manaf has four branches of descendents whom are Abdu Shams, Nawfal, Abdul Mutallib, and Hashim. Our noble prophet Muhammad s.a.w was born in the clan of Hashim. He is Muhammad bin 'Abdullah bin 'Abdul Mutallib bin Hashim bin 'Abdu Manaf.
Rabe'ah is the little brother of Mudhar. Among the famous sons of Rabe'ah is Asad and his sons live in southern of Wadi ar-Rimma. And then Rabe'ah descents are also the sons of Wail where the clans of bani Bakar and bani Taghalib emerged. Both of these bani Bakar and bani Taghalib always fought each other especially after Kulayb was killed. They were involved in civil war until both of these tribes almost extinct. The bani Hanifah of Yamamah traced their lineage from Bakar bin Wail. These people were also fought by Abu Bakar as-Siddiq later after noble prophet Muhammad s.a.w returned to His Mercy because they became apostates and ingrates to the God. Grandchildren of Rabe'ah became enemy to grandchildren of Mudhar the older brother of Rabe'ah for hundreds of years. Usually sons of Rabe'ah will ask the help from Yemeni Arabs to fight sons of Mudhar in their battles.
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